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"Going to therapy means I'm crazy!" Doens't it?


Many people still have reservations when it comes to psychotherapy or psychological counselling. Even though stress and anxiety are part of our lifes and we often wish to have support when it comes to stressful situations and negative emotions.  In fact, most people are confronted with some form of mental disorder at least once in their life, even if it "only" affects their friends or relatives. So, you certainly are not crazy if you decide to do a psychotherapy. And even if you are.... maybe it is this hint of crazyness that makes life worth living.


Discover the warm, empathetic and respectful atmosphere in my practice: You are an equal partner in the therapeutic process and you decide about the direction you want to go. My integrative approach combines different therapeutic methods for your individual situation. 


Experience the healing power of your creativity in my therapeutic art workshops!



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